The Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences @ Rice has over 70 excellent podcasts on their Cultures of Energy site.

Prof Edvard Hviding, University of Bergen, gave a talk on Anthropology Beyond the Comfort Zone: Expanding Our Work into Climate Change Politics and Action on a Global Scale on the 10th November 2017 at the RAI.

Professor Steve Rayner, University of Oxford and member of the RAI Anthropology and the Environment Committee, gives a overview of anthropological attention to climate change. February 2017.

15 more of Professor Rayner’s lectures have been videoed and are available on the University of Oxford website. They include:

Engineering a cooler planet. Could we? Should we? May 2015

Top down or bottom up? Getting Traction on Climate Change. May 2015

How to eat an Elephant: Why Climate Change Policy is in a Mess and How to Fix it. May 2013

The Royal Anthropological Institute has produced podcasts of the keynotes and plenaries from the 2016 Anthropology, the Weather and Climate Change Conference.

Mike Hulme: The Cultural Functions of Climate

Next Steps beyond ‘Changing the Atmosphere’

Pacific Anthropology and Engagements at the Frontline of Climate Change

Professor Susan Crate presenting “Investigating the ‘complexity of change’ and ‘adaptive challenges’ of the Anthropocene: Anthropology, interdisciplinarity and methodology”, at the 2016 Australian Anthropological Society Conference at the University of Sydney.

Jason Hickel on how capitalism fuels climate change.